blog header

September 14, 2009

not much time to play :(

Ya’ll know how excited I have been to get My Digital Studio. Well it came on Wed evening and I have only had an hour to play. I loaded the pictures into one of the templates and was thrilled to be able to manipulate everything!!! It was super easy to do. I could have left it just like it was but I had to PLAY around. Look at these cute pages.

(the quality of the pics are not as clear because the resolution has been decreased so it can be added to this post)

convention 09-001

convention 09-003

convention 09-004 convention 09-007

I can’t wait…we’ll have our 1st digital class on Oct 11th at 5:00 so you’ll have to order My Digital Studio on Oct 1st to play with us :) Just shoot me an email and I can add yours to the order!

When I get a few minutes I’ll be working on My new blog look! Here is a quick peak… new my signature!


Amanda Morris said...

MANDY!! The pages are AWESOME! and I love your new signature...I can't wait to play with mine.

Great job on your pages.

Lisa Vale said...

That's one heck of a header! I love it. Ok, when are you going to show me how? How do you get the images copied by themselves?

Jackie Barfield said...

Love the pages you created! Now I need to do mine when My Digital Studio arrives. LOL.

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